Monday, June 22, 2009

Howie the jumper

Finally, pics from our freejumping adventures. Silly fatty really enjoys it, and I took the camera out today. He hangs his knees like none other, but I am also using a really small jump (I am currently building some nice standards, but just use little logs or buckets right now lol) so he could be sloppy cause of that. He is still losing poundage, but getting hay now. The grass in the pasture isn't as lush and nice because its hot as balls and the rain has stopped coming so frequently. But fatty only gets a little bit of hay, so its ok I guess. He got his feet trimmed on Wednesday and for the first time in like forever he had no flare!! He also got a new bridle (gift from a secret santa thing on the Free Speech Horse Forum) which fits him wonderfully.
And now for pics :]

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Things are going pretty smoothly, nothing crazy exciting to report. I keep getting the feeling like he really isn't improving much and then I look at pictures from several months ago and take it back. He looks so much better in comparison. He is working hard, summer=boredom so I have been riding and lunging him a whole lot more than usual. I can only do so much on his back as we have had thunderstorms EVERY DAY for the past month or so and the ground is slick, so no jumping and higher speed work at the moment. Just walk, trot and a bit of canter. He is sweating more and holds up for longer workouts. We have done a little bit of hill work too and some trot poles. Trot poles and Howie are not the best combo, he is not very good at them but it is improving.
And for your enjoyment I have some videos of the fat man moving, shows off his lovely lumbering trot and whatnot. Haha.
I have no idea how to post them in blogger, so I will just link them

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Drumroll please....


Yes. You heard me. The girth extender is GONE!!!!!!!!
We may be going to a 54" girth sooner than expected!!
Other than that, nothing super fantastical to report. Howie is sloooooowly losing the poundage, still looks fat though, we are slooooooowly getting over our riding issues. His feeties get trimmed soon, they didn't flare as much as last time, I wonder if its the weight loss or just the trim? I don't know very much about feet.

During this whole thing the other two have been forced to adhere to Howie's diet plans as well, Ollie has lost some weight and Corbet has visible ribs now. Its exciting!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New diet plans?

I think he needs an all feline diet like Corbet here...But really, We are currently in the process of dividing the pasture, this will help the grass and also limit his intake so I am excited. We worked through our little riding speed bump sorta, He listened much better yesterday. I am looking for a new saddle for him too, and a new bridle, this one has chewmarks on the browband and noseband courtesy of Ollie